Release artifacts

A release is a collection of artifacts. An artifact is a deployable component of your application. Release Management can deploy artifacts that are produced by a wide range of artifact sources, and stored in different types of artifact repositories.

When authoring a release definition, you link the appropriate artifact sources to your release definition. For example, you might link a Team Build build definition or a Jenkins project to your release definition.

When creating a release, you specify the exact version of these artifact sources; for example, the number of a build coming from Team Build, or the version of a build coming from a Jenkins project.

After a release is created, you cannot change these versions. A release is fundamentally defined by the versioned artifacts that make up the release. As you deploy the release to various environments, you will be deploying and validating the same artifacts in all environments.

A single release definition can be linked to multiple artifact sources, of which one is the primary source. In this case, when you create a release, you specify individual versions for each of these sources.


Artifacts are central to a number of features in Release Management. Some of the features that depend on the linking of artifacts to a release definition are:

  • Auto-trigger releases. You can configure new releases to be automatically created whenever a new version of an artifact is produced. 

  • Trigger conditions. You can configure a release to be created automatically, or the deployment of a release to an environment to be triggered automatically, when only specific conditions on the artifacts are met. For example, you can configure releases to be automatically created only when a new build is produced from a certain branch.

  • Artifact versions. You can configure a release to automatically use a specific version of the build artifacts, to always use the latest version, or to allow you to specify the version when the release is created.

  • Artifact variables. Every artifact that is part of a release has metadata associated with it, exposed to tasks through variables. This metadata includes the version number of the artifact, the branch of code from which the artifact was produced (in the case of build or source code artifacts), the definition that produced the artifact (in the case of build artifacts), and more. This information is accessible in the deployment tasks.

  • Work items and commits. The work items or commits that are part of a release are computed from the versions of artifacts. For example, each build in Team Build is associated with a set of work items and commits. The work items or commits in a release are computed as the union of all work items and commits of all builds between the current release and the previous release. Note that Release Management is currently able to compute work items and commits for only certain artifact sources.

  • Artifact download. Whenever a release is deployed to an environment, by default Release Management automatically downloads all the artifacts in that release to the agent where the deployment job runs. The procedure to download artifacts depends on the type of artifact. For example, Team Build artifacts are downloaded using an algorithm that downloads multiple files in parallel. Git artifacts are downloaded using Git library functionality.

Artifact sources

There are several types of tools you might use in your application lifecycle process to produce or store artifacts. For example, you might use continuous integration systems such as Team Build, Jenkins, or TeamCity to produce artifacts. You might also use version control systems such as Git or TFVC to store your artifacts. Or you can use repositories such as Package Management in Visual Studio Team Services or a NuGet repository to store your artifacts. You can configure Release Management to deploy artifacts from all these sources.

By default, a release created from the release definition will use the latest version of the artifacts. At the time of linking an artifact source to a release definition, you can change this behavior by selecting one of the options to use the latest build from a specific branch by specifying the tags, a specific version, or allow the user to specify the version when the release is created from the definition.